
PUB RULES of the EIGHTIES is a humorous novel written and published in 2017 by the UK-based independent author Rob Brown. The novel itself is split into two distinct sections,

-The story, that follows loveable buffoon Chris as he makes his haphazard way from teenager to slightly more self-aware (but still buffoonish) twenty-something and,

-The Pub Rules themselves, the definitive set of tavern-based behaviour and etiquette guidelines necessary for navigating those delicate 1980s social situations.

The entire book is shot through with a heavy, some might say sledgehammer-like, sense of humour and pathological sarcasm. It also contains olympic-standard swearing so would be unsuitable for young children (or anyone who would have occasion to use the phrase ‘potty-mouth’).

The bit on the back of the book reads as follows;

The year is 1986, the year Chris Venkman turns twenty. All he wants is an easy life and it is his firm belief that he can achieve this simply by having a job, a car, a place of his own and a girlfriend. Unfortunately for Chris he is about to learn that, in the words of Robert Burns, “the best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft tits-up.”

For more info please go ahead and explore the rest of this website and then definitely actually buy the book. Because it’s great. Cheers.


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